How Do I Connect My Zoom Account?

Connecting Your Zoom Account

To connect your calendar, you must go to your Settings (in the top right corner), then to ACE Workspace Settings. Here, in the conferencing menu, you will be able to see the Zoom button.

Once you click on it, you will be redirected to a new page where you will have to authorize ACE Meetings as a Zoom app. You will be granting it several permissions, which you can see in detail in this screen.

Once that’s done, you’ll have to follow through and give ACE Meetings the necessary permissions to book a meeting.

Disconnecting Your Zoom Account

If you need to disconnect (or reconnect, in case of missing permissions) all you have to do in the Conferencing menu is click Reconnect or Disconnect, according to your needs. This will either re-authorize ACE Meetings in your Zoom account, or completely remove it.

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